Kiadatlan dalok
ReBe 2004.11.01. 15:03
You were mine
You Were Mine
I can`t find a reason to let go, even though you`ve found a new love, and she`s what your dreams are made of
I can find a reason to hang on, what went wrong can be forgiven, without you, it ain`t worth living alone
Sometimes i wake up cryin` at night, and sometimes i scream out your name what right does she have to take you away, when for so long, you were mine.
I took out all the pictures of our wedding day, it was a time of love and laughter,happy ever after. and even though those pictures have begun to fade, please tell me she`s not real, and that you`re really comin` home to stay.
Sometimes i wake up, cryin` at night and sometines i scream out your name what right does she have to take your heart away, when for so long,you were mine.
i can give you two good reasons to show you love`s not blind he`s 2 and she`s 4, and you know they adore you, so how can i tell them you`ve changed your mind?
Repeat Chorus
I remember when you were mine
Nem tallok okot hogy hagyjalak elmenni, ppen gondoltam, hogy talltl egy j szerelmet, s az aki lmaidban van.
Tudok tallni okot, hogy kitartsunk, ami rossz lett elfelejthet, nlkled, nem ri meg egyedl lni.
Nha felbredek srni jszaka, s nha kiltom a neved, van joga hogy elvigyen tged, amikor olyan sokig, enym voltl.
Kivittem az sszes eskvi kpnket, az volt a szerelem ideje s kacags, mindrkk boldogan. s ppen arra gondolok, hogy azok a kpek elkezdtek homlyosodni, krlek mond nem igazi s hogy igazn hazajssz s maradsz.
Nha felbredek srni jszaka, s nha kiltom a neved, van joga hogy elvigyen tged, amikor olyan sokig, enym voltl.
Van kt j okom, hogy megmutassam a szerelem nem vak 2 s 4 s tudod k imdnak tged, hogy mondjam el nekik, hogy megvltozott a vlemnyed?
Ismt krus:
Emlkszem, enym voltl.